Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goals: 2013

This was, by far, the quickest year I have ever experienced.
Time seemed to move at lightning speed, and I find myself here
on the brink of 2013.  So here is my usual list of things that I
want to improve, change, and accomplish for the new year.

*Be better about picking my cuticles.  It's time to control this
nervous tick and have pretty nails again.

*Cut out the unnecessary.  By not buying things that I don't need,
giving away things that are just collecting dust, and getting rid of clutter.
This includes people, as well.

*Learn to Can.  I feel like this is on my list every year, and every year I find
myself unprepared....which brings me to my next goal.

*Be better prepared.  Think ahead, send out birthday/anniversary cards
on time, have things ready early.

*Create a business plan. This is the big one for 2013.

*Use time wisely.  Time management is something that I'm getting better
at but every now and again I'll get sucked into meaningless crap online.

*Set aside time to be creative.  I used to think that I had to wait for the
creative mood to strike, but now I'm going to make time to just sit down
and make things. I definitely want to get back to my collaging.

*Exercise, eat well and keep everything in moderation.  Last year was a
binge year for me and not just wine, with everything. 2013 is about
taking it easy and being kind to my body.

*Come up with a plan for Littlebunny. I kind of put it on the back burner
this year, and I want to figure out a way to take it to the next level and
get my cards into stores. This could take lots of reorganizing...

*Have a monthly wine club.  Even if only 2 people show up, it's always worth it.

And there we have it. The goals for 2013.  We've already got a lot lined up
travel and wedding wise so it will be exciting to see where the year takes us!!

I hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year's <3

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