Everyone complains about it, but I'm
in my element. I like heat, and I can even
tolerate humidity better than the average person.
But it does make me want to eat/make frozen
treats all the time.
So, if you need to cool it now
then I suggest making this mega refreshing
mint chocolate swirl ice cream.
The recipe can be found here
and really the only change that I made
was the amount of sugar, I probably put in a
quarter cup total. I also scraped a vanilla
bean pod into the custard (as seen below) I think
it gives it a little something extra.
I'm also going to stress getting high quality dairy
for this. Not ultra pasturized, not homogenized,
full fat and raw if possible. (For all my Jersey/Philly friends
that may read this, you can buy raw dairy at the
Reading Terminal) Trust me, you want full fat
because it means better flavor.
It's not going to be electric green-and that's a good thing.
But the mint packs an extremely refreshing punch and
definitely tastes fresher than any mint ice cream I've
ever had.
I don't think that mine looks as beautiful as David's does,
but it was my first batch and as long as it tastes good,
I'm happy. The husband and I have been snacking
on it pretty frequently, and it is a great way to beat the heat.
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