Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Thankful

On Thanksgiving it wasn't a family tradition to
go around and say what we've been thankful for.
I always wondered why there was no
actual "giving thanks" in our Thanksgiving, and I
always wished that we could do that.  But I think
I was also aware of the cheese factor that it can bring
to the table-so I never brought it up.

Now I try my best to make sure that it happens at
whatever table I happen to be at for the holiday.
Since we're attending a rather large feast this year
I'm thinking that it'll be too much to have everyone go
around and say something so, I'm going to post mine here.

I'm thankful for...

*My husband and our home together

*Family, the one I was born into, the friends that are close
enough to be family, and the family that I married into.

*Having a job that allows me to be a part of something that
I am passionate about.

*Being able to slow down and appreciate small stuff,
whether it's a delicious cappuccino, the sun shining on my
face, or just a good song.

*Friendships that can stand the test of time/busy lives/
different schedules. The comfort of knowing that you
can always pick right back up where you left off.

*Adventures. National, international or even just within
my own city.

*Art, and being able to express myself in various ways
whether it's through dance, collage, or my greeting cards.
Having that outlet is incredible.

*Having love in my life, in various ways and intensities.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving,
surrounded by friends and family. <3

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