Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An Abundance

So much to be thankful for this year, it's almost
hard to put it all into words but I'll try.

I am so thankful for..

*My husband. He deserves something fancy for being
so supportive throughout this pregnancy.
I can't wait to see him as a Dad, he is going to be great.
We've got a lot of new adventures on the horizon

*This apartment- though I always call it our house- that
we were so lucky to find 6 years ago.  Now we are
creating a space for a little peanut to live with us.
And in NYC having the room to grow is a VERY
luxurious thing.

*Being able to travel. We soaked in the geothermal
pools of Iceland last January, and I was able to visit
dear friends in Albuquerque in March. We spent some
family time at the Jersey shore, and our anniversary out
in Montauk.  I cannot wait to bring this baby on adventures
with us and also to drop him at Gaga and Chief's for a
vacation of his own!

*A beautiful support system.  I was reminded last night of
how fortunate we are to have such amazing family and friends
near and far.  I don't know what I would do without them.

*So thankful for a healthy body, that is able to grow a tiny human.
And to have a very calming mother and mother-in-law that make
this process a bit easier to deal with.

*For this new job that I really truly love.

*For all of the little pleasures and creature comforts that I indulge in
and appreciate.  Mugs of hot chocolate, changes in seasons, shopping at
the greenmarket, eating biscuits every Sunday, being able to look out my
kitchen window and see a variety of animals, bedtime, Costanzo's Night Out,
living in NYC, huge bowls of ramen noodles, making art, hiding out at the Met,
fat pugs, good wine, and well made cappuccinos. Just to name a few.

Wishing everyone a very wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving <3

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