Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Latest Obsessions

*War on Drugs-Lost in the Dream
Put it on, open whatever window is closest to you,
and just enjoy (and dance a little).

*The L.I.C Flea
We've gone twice so far and always find some great food.
Our current favorite is the vegan soul food stand. It's pretty spot on.

It's bordering on desperation. I really try to wait until everything
is available at the farmers markets and stick to my "eat seasonally"
campaign.  But the spring harvest is a few weeks behind this year so
 I bought it from the supermarket....twice.  Hi,  my name is Jess
and I'm addicted to spring vegetables.

So many changes happening in 2014, most of them good.
But so many reasons to celebrate! Engagements, weddings, new jobs,
old friends, new friends, new dogs, babies, fresh starts, Sunday mornings- it's
all reasons to be grateful and happy and to celebrate.

*Doctor Who
This has been an obsession for awhile but the husband and I recently
watched through the David Tennant era. and my goodness, I definitely
cried for an additional 20 minutes after his regeneration. You become so
invested in these characters, and the end is just so overwhelming.  I'm back
where I began now, with Matt Smith.  Curious to see how I feel the second
time around after really understanding why people loved David Tennant so much.

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