Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Oh So Quiet.

It's quiet in my house. I'm completely alone.

I'm always amazed by what can get done
in 1hr when you don't have a baby to care for.

It's nice to visit this every once in awhile and to
deeply appreciate a quiet morning.

But I'll welcome the chaos with open arms when it

Monday, March 21, 2016

Latest Obsessions

*Over the Garden Wall
If you haven't watched this yet, I highly encourage it.
One of the sweetest things I've seen in awhile.
I'm very obsessed with  Greg and his frog.

I saw the ads, watched the videos, and finally decided to
pull the trigger and order myself a pair.  In a nutshell,
Thinx=underwear that eliminates the need for pads/tampons.
I wore mine and I can honestly say that they rock.
I will be ordering multiple pairs in the very near future,
and a bonus of buying Thinx is that, not only are you helping
to shake up the billion dollar pad/tampon industry but you are
also helping young girls in Africa (watch the video for more info)
What more can I say? It's a good product, made by women,
that helps others.

*Having a Toddler
Everyone seemed to say " oh just wait 'til he is walking,
it gets so much harder!"  But you know what? I love it.
I love that he can understand what I'm saying, and follow
simple directions. Being able to communicate is huge
and I'm loving every minute of it- and he can't even talk yet!
This little person brings so much joy to my life, sometimes
I feel like I might just explode.

The joy of cheese puffs can be had by all.
This recipe is so easy and you can pretty much
use what you have lying around. I had a sharp cheddar
that we got from the market and it was perfect.
Make them. Make them now.
You're Welcome.

*"Gorgeous, amazing things come into our lives
 when we are paying attention: mangoes, 
grandnieces, Bach, ponds. This happens more often 
when we have as little expectation as possible. 
If you say, “Well, that’s pretty much what I thought 
I’d see,” you are in trouble. At that point you have to 
ask yourself why you are even here. 
Astonishing material and revelation appear in our lives 
all the time. Let it be. Unto us, so much is given. 
We just have to be open for business."
-Anne Lamott

*100 Famous Artists and their Studios
I think if I had a studio space I'd want it
to look like Picasso's but it would end up
more like Francis Bacon's.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


This time last year I was in active labor, 
and 12 hours  later at 10am on March 9th, 2015 
our sweet baby would make his entrance 
into this world.

Giving birth was the most primal experience
I've ever had- and possibly will ever have.
I'm proud of my Mama strength, and even more
thankful that I had the birth that I wanted.
I will never forget looking into the husband's 
eyes as I held our baby, it was a bigger love
than I had ever felt before.  The amazing thing is 
that the love continues to grow, in so many ways.

Now we have a funny little one year old, who has
an unusual amount of physical strength, a kind heart 
towards animals, an insatiable appetite, a watchful eye
and mischevious curiosity, and a mean case of crazy arms.

Happy Birth.Day to our sweet baby boy.