Monday, January 11, 2016

Latest Obsessions

* nursing and cursing  
An awesome podcast made for and by
Mamas who speak the truth about motherhood.

* "For years, copying other people, 
I tried to know myself. 
From within, I couldn't decide what to do.
Unable to see, I heard my name being called.
Then I walked outside"- Rumi, Furuzanfar #77

*Unknown Origins and Untimely Ends
Such a fun read. Unsolved Mysteries and weird
tales told in a graphic novel.  Highly recommended,
my only gripe is that I wish it was longer.

*Watching Fudge learn
Seeing this tiny human grow has been intense
and awe-inspiring.  At 10 months, he is constantly
changing and learning things.  He can pick up his
cup and drink from it, eat with his hands, give
kisses and occasionally hugs, babble about who knows
what, and flip through his books.  He's a smart
little dude.

* This article 
This country fails miserably when it comes to helping
families/new mothers/working mothers.

Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Year

It finally feels like my feet are back on
the ground (well, mostly). Life with baby 
has begun to fall into place, and I feel
like I know who I am again. Things are still
hard,  caring for a tiny human is still frustrating 
at times. But there are some good rewards. 
Kisses and hugs, snuggles and smiles. All 
make everything alright.

Many changes still lie ahead but I'm OK with that.
I feel better equipped to deal with them now.
2015 was a roller coaster, I'm ready for 2016 to
be a little less crazy.

I never get crazy with the resolutions but
here are my hopes for the new year.

*I want to stay in the present. always.
This is hard to do, but somehow having 
a child has made it easier.

*To be a good mother. In hopes that the fudge
will feel about me the way I feel about my parents.

*I hope to become more patient. Does
this happen? I have no idea. But I'm going
to channel the calm energy of my mother
and hope for the best.

*To continue to let my heart bleed.  Appreciating
those closest and letting them know how loved 
they are. Taking the time to call/text/write when I'm
thinking of someone.  Always letting love show.

*To appreciate little moments, take deep breaths, 
savor my cappuccinos, kiss this baby, kiss this husband, 
dig my toes into the sand as often as possible, and
spend time with family and friends.

I'd also love to get some exercise in... but we'll see.

Hoping that 2016 is wonderful for anyone that reads this xo