Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6 months

That span of time sounds like both an eternity and no time at all.
About 6 months from now the husband and I will be welcoming
a new person into this world.  It's pretty overwhelming when you
think of it that way.. Someone who is an extension of you but
with an independent spirit, interests, and thoughts.

The first few months have felt like a mental training scene from
a martial arts movie. Strengthening your mind to prepare for what's coming.
I've been reading all of my natural pregnancy books, and doing visualizations
and mantras. That's my jam and that's how I'm handling this.

So I don't think there will be monthly photos charting my growth, or a general
play-by-play of what's happening.  This whole thing feels very personal
(which seems funny to say, because obviously it is) and for once in my life
I don't want to share everything. But that could change, everything could change,
this whole process is really about taking each day as it comes. So that is what
I'm trying to do.

I'm excited to meet this person and see what they are about.

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