and watching Eloise at Christmastime. Our tree is lit up,

this little guy is the latest addition to our
collection of ornaments<3
a gift from the husband!
presents (to be given and received) are all around, and I am loving it.
We had our annual Christmas party last Sunday and it was a
success, though we do have way too much left over ham
and I may have had a bit too much holiday cheer (read: wine)
But a good time was had by all and now we know how much ham
to buy for next year :)
The homemade gifts are just about finished, I have one more batch of
salted butter caramels and peppermint scrub to make, and maybe some more
ornaments. The nutella turned out to be a fail before it even began because it
is apparently impossible to find hazelnuts in this city! Who knew.

I also wanted to introduce Slog, our new shitake mushroom log.
(An awesome gift courtesy of Chelsie and Peter, my new sister and brother-in-law)
Looks like we'll have a mushroom to eat quite soon!
Hard to believe that Christmas is only 6 days away,
we'll be leaving for South Jersey late Friday night
and enjoying 4 whole days of holiday festivities!
Can't wait!
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