Thursday, September 3, 2015

It's already tomorrow in Japan.

I've been trying to write a post about motherhood
for months now.  There is constantly so much
going on that writing a single post seemed impossible.

Because I cannot accurately write a cohesive paragraph
on the subject I'm just going to revert to my very safe and
trusty list.

*Motherhood is hard.

*I now feel like I am spread so thin, trying to be a mother,
wife, and full-time worker. I desperately want to exceed at all
of these things and find myself feeling like I just don't measure

*I am too hard on myself. I'm working on this constantly.

*The love I have for this petit goose is overwhelming and epic.

*I fed my baby formula and it's OK. He sleeps in bed with us
sometimes and it's OK. I don't let him cry it out and it's OK.
You do what works and you support others that are just trying
to make it work. Stop with the Mommy Shaming.

*It's OK to cry, once again, being a parent is hard.

*I feel lucky to have such a sweet little boy, who we can take
everywhere with us and he just goes with the flow.

*My body is not the same, I'm learning to love it again.

*My body did an amazing thing. It grew and birthed a tiny
person. I need to give this body more credit than I do.

*I love and appreciate my husband so much.
It's hard on him, too.

*It really does take a village. Accept help and ask for it when needed.

*Finding time for yourself is necessary. You need it.
So does your partner. Get a massage, have dinner with a friend,
have date night, see a movie.
Whatever. It's SO necessary.

*Millions of people grew up without the help of parenting books,
sleep training, breast feeding, and whatever else.
Things work themselves out. Every baby is different and
all parents are different. Find your way.

I suppose that's it for now. There isn't a way for me to put
a lot of my feelings into words, it's just too big.  I think it's
a good thing to speak honestly about this whole ordeal.
No one wants to say it's hard because it feels like you are
admitting failure- but that's not true.  We need to
open up the conversation and just offer support.
We're all in this together.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me remind you of the power that YOU evoked deep within your heart and soul to birth your goose bare boned and not broken .. but r.e.a.l. and you've got all of that strength in you to call upon for anything you choose forever! It's pixie dust you can sprinkle on a hard day and the container is full and refills it's self over and over again. YOU are an amazing Maman. xoxoox

  3. So nice to see you back in this space!
