Friday, January 4, 2013

A Year in Books

I love books.
They rank extremely high on my list of favorite things.
I'm the person that can spend hours in used book stores
hunting for lost treasures (and Agatha Christie novels).
And the one who can't leave HousingWorks or the Strand
without a huge stack.

Over the years I (and the husband) have amassed a large collection
of books.  They take up space on 3 different bookshelves, and are
stacked and scattered all over our living room as well.
I was staring at our main bookshelf the other day and
began to wonder how many books I read in a year.

So I came up with another fun list.
Which is super nerdy, but I'm all about it.
I'll be keeping track of all the books that I read each month
and posting them on here. And you, dear friend, can do the same.
Write what books you've read in a month in the comments of the post.
It'll be like a book club without actually getting together.

My book count for January is 2 so far, but I have a stack of 4 books in waiting.
I'm excited to see what everyone is reading!
I'll check back in with this on January 31st :)

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